'text.gif', 'application/x-gzip' => 'compressed.gif', 'application/pdf' => 'pdf.gif', 'application/pgp-signature' => 'encryption.gif', 'application/x-pkcs7-signature' => 'encryption.gif', 'application/octet-stream' => 'binary.gif', 'audio/basic' => 'audio.gif', 'audio/x-sun' => 'audio.gif', 'message/delivery-status' => 'mail.gif', 'message/rfc822' => 'mail.gif', 'unknown/octet-stream' => 'binary.gif', 'video/avi' => 'video.gif', 'video/mpeg' => 'video.gif', 'video/mpg' => 'video.gif'); /** * PHP driver settings */ $mime_drivers['horde']['php']['handles'] = array( 'x-extension/php', 'x-extension/php3', 'x-extension/phps', 'x-extension/php3s', 'application/x-httpd-php', 'application/x-httpd-php3', 'application/x-httpd-phps'); $mime_drivers['horde']['php']['icons'] = array( 'default' => 'php.gif'); /** * Enriched text driver settings */ $mime_drivers['horde']['enriched']['inline'] = true; $mime_drivers['horde']['enriched']['handles'] = array( 'text/enriched'); $mime_drivers['horde']['enriched']['icons'] = array( 'default' => 'text.gif'); /** * GNU Enscript driver settings * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the enscript binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['enscript']['location'] = '/usr/bin/enscript'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['enscript']['inline'] = false; // $mime_drivers['horde']['enscript']['handles'] = array( // 'text/html', 'x-extension/pl', 'x-extension/c', // 'text/xml', 'application/x-sh', 'application/x-javascript', // 'x-extension/java', 'x-extension/h', 'x-extension/cpp', // 'x-extension/vhd', 'x-extension/vhdl', 'x-extension/sql', // 'x-extension/vb', 'x-extension/vba', 'x-extension/el'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['enscript']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'text.gif', // 'text/html' => 'html.gif', // 'text/xml' => 'xml.gif', // 'x-extension/c' => 'source-c.gif', // 'x-extension/h' => 'source-h.gif', // 'x-extension/java' => 'source-java.gif', // 'application/x-javascript' => 'script-js.gif'); /** * Tar driver settings */ /* Location of the tar binary. */ $mime_drivers['horde']['tgz']['location'] = '/bin/tar'; $mime_drivers['horde']['tgz']['inline'] = true; $mime_drivers['horde']['tgz']['handles'] = array( 'x-extension/tgz', 'x-extension/tar', 'application/x-gzip-compressed', 'application/x-gtar', 'application/x-tar'); $mime_drivers['horde']['tgz']['icons'] = array( 'default' => 'compressed.gif'); /** * Zip file driver settings * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the zipinfo binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['zip']['location'] = '/usr/bin/zipinfo'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['zip']['inline'] = true; // $mime_drivers['horde']['zip']['handles'] = array( // 'x-extension/zip', // 'application/x-compressed', // 'application/x-zip-compressed'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['zip']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'compressed.gif'); /** * RAR archive driver settings * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the rar binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['rar']['location'] = '/usr/bin/rar'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['rar']['inline'] = true; // $mime_drivers['horde']['rar']['handles'] = array( // 'x-extension/rar', // 'application/x-rar-compressed'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['rar']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'compressed.gif'); /** * MS Word driver settings * This driver requires wvWare (www.wvware.com) to be installed. * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the wvHtml binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['msword']['location'] = '/usr/bin/wvHtml'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['msword']['inline'] = true; // $mime_drivers['horde']['msword']['handles'] = array( // 'application/msword', // 'text/rtf', // 'x-extension/doc', // 'x-extension/rtf'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['msword']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'msword.gif'); /** * MS Excel driver settings * This driver requires xlhtml (www.xlhtml.org) to be installed. * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the xlhtml binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['msexcel']['location'] = '/usr/local/bin/xlhtml'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['msexcel']['inline'] = false; // $mime_drivers['horde']['msexcel']['handles'] = array( // 'application/vnd.ms-excel', // 'application/msexcel', // 'x-extension/xls'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['msexcel']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'msexcel.gif'); /** * MS Powerpoint driver settings * This driver requires ppthtml, included with xlhtml (www.xlhtml.org), * to be installed. * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the ppthtml binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['mspowerpoint']['location'] = '/usr/local/bin/ppthtml'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['mspowerpoint']['inline'] = false; // $mime_drivers['horde']['mspowerpoint']['handles'] = array( // 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', // 'application/mspowerpoint', // 'x-extension/ppt'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['mspowerpoint']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'mspowerpoint.gif'); /** * vCard driver settings */ $mime_drivers['horde']['vcard']['handles'] = array( 'text/x-vcard', 'x-extension/vcf'); $mime_drivers['horde']['vcard']['icons'] = array( 'default' => 'vcard.gif'); /** * RPM driver settings * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the rpm binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['rpm']['location'] = '/usr/bin/rpm'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['rpm']['inline'] = false; // $mime_drivers['horde']['rpm']['handles'] = array( // 'application/x-rpm', // 'x-extension/rpm'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['rpm']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'rpm.gif'); /** * Debian package driver settings * Uncomment these lines to use this driver. */ /* Location of the dpkg binary. */ // $mime_drivers['horde']['deb']['location'] = '/usr/bin/dpkg'; // $mime_drivers['horde']['deb']['inline'] = false; // $mime_drivers['horde']['deb']['handles'] = array( // 'application/x-debian-package', // 'x-extension/deb'); // $mime_drivers['horde']['deb']['icons'] = array( // 'default' => 'deb.gif'); /** * Image settings */ $mime_drivers['horde']['images']['inline'] = false; $mime_drivers['horde']['images']['icons'] = array( 'default' => 'image.gif'); $mime_drivers['horde']['images']['handles'] = array( 'image/bmp', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/pbm', 'image/pgm', 'image/png', 'image/tiff', 'image/x-png');