CHECKLIST FOR NEW RELEASES ========================== Release steps: - Check out i2c and lm-sensors - Update if necessary, the version number of libsensors (edit lib/ and change LIBMAINVER and/or LIBMINORVER) Remember: update main number when interface changes, minor if new functionality is added, and patch if only bugs are fixed. `svn diff -r Vx-y-z lib' is your friend. - Update both CHANGES files (add the release date) - Verify i2c dependency instructions in README, QUICKSTART, and INSTALL, update if necessary - Update lm_sensors.lsm and send it to the LSM by mailing it to with the subject `add' (no quotes). - Update lm_sensors2/version.h and i2c/kernel/i2c.h - Commit - Tag the release using SVN ('???' from the dist root) - Remove empty directories (e.g. rmdir `find . -type d`) - Remove 'SVN' related files/directories (e.g. rm -fR `find . -name .svn`) - Rename i2c and lm_sensors2 to i2c-#.#.# and lm_sensors-#.#.# - tar it up and post it (sign it) After release, remember to: - Copy to mirrors - Announce on Freshmeat - Clear support area of unanswered tickets - Put back ???? for dates - Prep CHANGES files for next release