proftpd (1.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low Starting from 1.3.0 proftpd support DSO and debian packaging moved to a single package style, in respect with the multi-binaries package previously used. The list of modules (all modules are enabled per default) is visibile in /etc/proftpd/modules.conf. You could also need to comment out the unused SQL backend module loading (mod_sql_mysql or mod_sql_postgres) in that file in order to have the right SQL engine working. Another possibility is specifying a suitable AuthOrder in your configuration file. mod_sql_mysql should handle old MySQL password format more gracefully. Starting with MySQL 4.1.1, the format for passwords stored using the MySQL PASSWORD() function changed. This format change causes issues for sites that have passwords stored in the older format. Users of mod_sql+mod_sql_mysql would see this as users being unable to login. Now, if compiled against MySQL 4.1.1 or later, mod_sql_mysql will first check the password using the current MySQL format; if that fails it will fall back to checking the old format. Note that this only affects sites which have "SQLAuthTypes Backend" in their proftpd.conf. -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine Mon, 6 Jun 2005 14:39:04 +0200